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Launching Hello World

For our first project back we were asked to imagine ourselves as data. I am to create a still image that visualises some personal data. What could my data reveal about me, my habits and hobbies? 
We were allowed to use  pre-existing data (such as my email archive, fitness tracker data, etc.) or create a new system specifically for collecting data. The data could be anything of my choosing and did not need to be numerical. 




Troy Browne is a freelance artist and animator who takes a focus on Afro-American pop culture to create wild portraiture collage. I like the misshapen and blown up features especially his focus on teeth. I like this way of collage because it's only taking original parts of the image instead of bringing different source images in. 



Artist Kevin Berquist from Minnesota who specialises in spraypaint, traditional oil painting and collage was my second reference. The points I took from his work was to experiment with texture and layering. He uses a lot of ripped paper and grit textures to create depth in his work. In combination with digital enhancements and colouring it makes some really eye catching collages.  


I started watching episode 3 of the John Berger series on portraiture. I liked his points on art reproduction and how original artwork cannot really be replicated. I was already thinking along the lines of portraiture collage after looking at my artist inspo, particularly Troy Browne, because of this a lot of the points he was making about reproduction I was mentally connecting to collage. 

To me, collage art takes sections of originals to create a new reproduction. It was an interesting connection to make between the two.  



Spotify gives you data of your most played music and how many plays a day each song has. It breaks it down into a daily breakdown list of songs so I thought I could visualise a weekly set from Monday to Friday. 

By using my most played artists per day I took parts of them like legs, arms and eyes etc to create a figure showing my most played songs for a single day. I did 5 of these to represent Monday through to Friday.  


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