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Launching Hello World 

Hello World is my first project of Y2, it's based around the concept of a selfie and aims to explore three main criteria of;


texture, tone and type. 

Self portraiture, the art of producing imagery related to oneself, has been explored for centuries however in the more recent decade or so the exploration of self imagery has made an emergence online.


The selfie. 


David Brown

I researched artist David Nobody Jr and his series RESEMBLAGÈ from 2015 - 2019 in which he explores the idea of physical collage.  I love his unconventional techniques and his creative ability to realise his visions using his own face. 

Philip Schmitt

This kind of machine is exactly what I was looking for! Philip Schmitt created this selfie machine that warps and manipulates the users face until they are technically unrecognisable by artificial intelligence. How can I manipulate the face but by only using texture, tone and type?


Scanned Documents.jpg

On social media the filter system plays a huge role in creating the 'perfect' selfie. Looking at work like Philip Schmitt's selfie machine has made me think more about facial manipulation. What if these filter systems were completely over exaggerated? Would we consider our selfies to look better or worse with more abstract edits?


Final Exports

Tone, Texture & Type

For my final export I created two GIF's exploring the criteria of tone, texture and type.

I wanted to use this project as an introduction for myself to touch designer, which I feel I have successfully achieved. If I was to progress with this idea I'd probably make this an app available by browser so that people could upload their image and use the editing suite that would consist of editing tools which correspond with the words texture, tone and type. 

These GIF's are an example of what my exaggerated filter system could produce, unnatural and over edited images to poke fun at selfie culture. What is a beautiful selfie anyway? 

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